Friday, August 28, 2009


Makayla is the cutest little thing there is... i love her to pieces. Morgan comes next.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

LaSt ViSiT tO tHe sHoP :(

my bunny robbie.... i think he is utterly adorable.. i am going to miss him... and he prolly won't remember who i am when i come home... sad

i was playing around this car that chuck has in his shop right now that hit a tree.... they were ripping the engine out... but apparently someone smashed their head off the windshield... hence the nice circular break with hair stuck in it lol

also he was welding or heating something off idk.... but it made pretty sparks lol..

the clouds today were GORGEOUS!!!! soo i took pictures while driving... and also after i got there :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

pReTtY RiNg

aShLeY's sEniOr PoRtRaiTs

These are just some of my very favorite pictures of miss ashley jane for her senior portraits... they turned out marvelously if i do say so myself.. i'm very happy with them.. and i hope she loves them :)

Monday, August 10, 2009