Saturday, October 31, 2009

Rexburg has beautiful skies...

One morning on the way to class

One evening at sunset

Same evening at sunset

Friday, October 30, 2009


Mary is one of the most beautiful girls i know. I was kinda disappointed with these those because her eyes are blue, and for whatever reason my software was only picking up this like greeny-brown color. I still think it looks pretty tho.


My dear roommate audra... She has some of the prettiest blue eyes i have ever seen. They are like crystal clear blue.. very pretty.


My dearest best friend Jacque.... is gorgeous... what can i say.. i have fun taking pictures of her and her pretty blue eyes

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

oH mY eYeS!!!!!!!!!

So... incredible!!!! i had a good eye day the other day, and i decided to take advantage of that and do a photo shoot, then jut today i was playing, and THESE are the AMAZING products of my artistic abilities, and amazing eyes!! love... thats all i have to say... enjoy!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

aMaZiNgLy AdOrAbLe!!!!!

So, I'm taking this propaganda class, and I had to create a propaganda poster that portrayed some aspect of the honor code at BYU-I, and so early this morning (like 7 am) I drug two of my besties to do this photo shoot, I must say they are utterly amazing.... They accomplished EXACTLY what I wanted them to!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

CoLLeGE, thus far

ok... so i've been kinda lame about taking pictures in idaho...its prolly cuz i think its so ugly here lol... apparently there was a snow day back home today *jealous* lol... but here's some new stuff. my gummy vitamins that my mother so thoughtfully sent me to college with so i wouldn't get mono. or my coolio lamp with jacks in the background

Orrrr... the chevy hat that i bought for chuck because i love him!

Jacque so thoughtfully let me put my camera practically inside her eyeball for this lol.. and shined a really bright light in her eye. but it turned out awesome so i think she can deal!

And lastly, i was just playing... and in case anyone was wondering... i will be here.. always and forever!

Friday, October 2, 2009

a LiTtLe tRiP oN cAmPuS.....

So I went on campus yesterday and took some pics of lovely things. I had a lot of fun, but it was reallllyyyyy cold. :)

This was a way cute couple that was skipping rocks, I asked them to take a picture. They obviously said yes.

This is the brick wall in the Taylor building. I think it is really pretty.