Monday, November 30, 2009

pRoPaGaNdA aSsIgNmEnT

So for my final project in my propaganda class, I am doing art with an agenda on body image and real beauty. Miss Jacks wins again with her awesome modeling abilities :)..... Here's the result.

My thesis is that beauty isn't perfect. Some people may be beautiful in one sense and some in another. Like Jacque and I. We're both beautiful, but both very different.

Monday, November 23, 2009

qUiCk pReViEw oF uTaH

I decided that I love Utah, and I would prefer to live in Utah, at least then I would live someplace pretty. Oh well.... its not about the scenery!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

sUnNy DaY wItH pHoToBoOtH

It was way sunny out today. So I played with photobooth on my computer. This is pretty much what happened. It was fun. My bf says they look emo, but I think they are cool. Def not the best work I've done, but for procrastination? Not too bad.