Sunday, December 5, 2010

bAbY cOrA

I got to do my first newborn photo shoot the other day, and it was absolutely awesome. Minus the fact that little cora was wayyyyy cranky and didn't want to get her picture taken... Oh well. I got some good ones anyways :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

mY cHuCk!

I'm sure people know what it feels like to have their territory trampled. I was feeling kind of artistically trampled for a while... so i made chuck take a couple minutes out of his busy day and let me take pictures of him. I think they went well :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

tRiP tO tHe dAm

Went to the dam with my amazing fiancé Chuck and his little sister Christina and his mom. Below is my beautiful lil-almost-sis-in-law driving the boat :)

some night fishers

a beautiful sunset. messed with of course by photoshop :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

sUnNy dRiVe

My fiance and I ran some errands one evening, and I decided it was prime time for a photo shoot. In the first two I did some basic editing on my eyes. I think they turned out pretty cool... Last two are just fun :) :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A little more photoshop

This is my old roommate... She's such a babe... I took this picture of her last semster, but I just did some cool stuff to it last night :) Tell me whatcha think!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

photoshop fun

Playing around with photoshop today... thought these two turned out pretty good :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Beautiful Heather

my friend heather is graduating from BYU-Idaho. she asked me if i would be willing to get some shots of her for some grad announcements. These are just some of my favorites :).

Monday, February 1, 2010


Ok everyone, Its out!! I have photoshop now!!! no more picnik nor me!! (although, I did love you while it lasted :). Here is some stuff that i've done just playing around in my free time :).

My awesome bf took this picture of me at my brockway house.... I was reminiscing my childhood years.
This is of my roommates Emily (the blonde) and Nusly (the dead). Emily took a makeup class here at school and nusly wanted her makeup done. So she got bruises, and injuries. Then she pretended to be dead. It just so happened that Emily was in her apron to look very mom-like... it was fun.

Just a button

Me!! With edited eyes :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

mY nEw LeNs

I just got a 55mm lens for Christmas, so I decided to walk around my apartment and take cool shots of how we live. Here's our bathroom :).

our messy vanity
My amazing All Blacks glass (thanks Johnathan!!)

My lamp with a ribbon tied around it :)

A photoshopped one :)

My coolio janitor keys

Friday, January 1, 2010

mY oLd HoUsE

This is my house. I miss it. It is for sale. I went to visit it the other day. It was kinda weird all empty and stuff... I took chuck. Here's what we saw:

The outside
This is in the basement. That chair used to be one of our kitchen chairs, but years in the dark damp basement did some damage to it. Its gross now

The Kitchen. There is a little Christmas shoppe that is in the first level of the house right now. It's called Chris Moose. So there is miscellaneous stuff all over.

The breakfast nook. Lots of yummy meals were spent in this little room. I miss it

The dining room is missing our gigantic long pretty table. The room looks really big with just this small table in it.

The staircase from the 3rd floor down the the second. Just looking at this staircase made my butt sore... Those are some slippery stairs. :)
Chuck actually took this picture but I cropped it a little bit. I love the natural lighting on my feet. I was admiring the view from my old bedroom window.

My beautiful old bedroom.

My little brothers bedroom. His nursery type thing. It is cute. I remember tucking him into bed many nights here.