This is my house. I miss it. It is for sale. I went to visit it the other day. It was kinda weird all empty and stuff... I took chuck. Here's what we saw:
The outside
This is in the basement. That chair used to be one of our kitchen chairs, but years in the dark damp basement did some damage to it. Its gross now
The Kitchen. There is a little Christmas shoppe that is in the first level of the house right now. It's called Chris Moose. So there is miscellaneous stuff all over.
The breakfast nook. Lots of yummy meals were spent in this little room. I miss it
The dining room is missing our gigantic long pretty table. The room looks really big with just this small table in it.
The staircase from the 3rd floor down the the second. Just looking at this staircase made my butt sore... Those are some slippery stairs. :)
Chuck actually took this picture but I cropped it a little bit. I love the natural lighting on my feet. I was admiring the view from my old bedroom window.
My beautiful old bedroom.
My little brothers bedroom. His nursery type thing. It is cute. I remember tucking him into bed many nights here.